With thanks to Jerry Kohlar for this information:
Deceased Classmate: Dan Clark (2000)
Date Of Birth: 09-06-1960
Date Deceased: 12-03-2016
Age at Death: 56
Cause of Death: Acute cardiac arrest
Classmate City: Aloha
Classmate State: OR
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: Yes Other
Survived By: Gerald (Jerry) Kohler
Dan always fondly remembered his years at Tek, especially in the warehouse and field service. He proudly displayed his certificates and awards that he earned for his work on MERS, TekStars, TekLeads and the field service data center consolidation project in our home. He went to Xerox when the printer division was separated, and worked a total of 43 years. He accepted an early retirement offer in 2016, and greatly enjoyed the short time he had growing an herb garden and avidly pursued his cooking hobbies, particularly grilling, slow smoking meats and learning various cooking methods. I usually counted on most nights being "experimental", sometimes with no small amount of fear. It didn't matter, because his favorite saying on the subject was "there's always delivery!". Dan was the most gentle and kindest man I've every had the privilege of knowing, and I miss him terribly.